Monday, July 20, 2009

The "real" animals at KZ

Friday was a little to hot for playing outside and some neighbors decided we would head to Kangaroo Zoo for some a/c'd play time for the kids.

After playing for a while, Mari came to me and asked, "So when do we get to see the REAL animals?"

Nothing like going to the ZOO and not seeing what you were expecting!

Dr. Mari, pt 2

To continue with my cute little Dr...

*Ring, ring* goes the phone.

Mari: Hi, Mama! What'cha doing?

Me: Finishing up so I can come home. How are you and Daddy?

Mari: We're good. You want to come home & see what happened to me?

Me: *awful visions of cuts, wrecked bikes, etc, going through my head*. Sure, but what happened?

Mari: I have a broken arm!! *in the happiest, sweetest voice*

Me: You do?! *trying to smother a gasp, but also thinking if it were serious I REALLY would have gotten a call before now*

Mari: Yep!

Me: Did you wrap it?

Mari: Sure did, and Daddy made me a sling! Are you coming home?

Me: *sighing in relief* I will be home as soon as I can so you can show me your "broken" arm.

Now I have to wonder if I've got a budding medical genius or a consumate actress on my hands.

Dr. Mari

Lately I've had some complaints from Mari about wanting me home....

Yesterday was quite the busy day for us. We had prep for church, frantic hustle to church (which was not a success), singing in Sacrament meeting, singing in Primary, singing for Choir practice. Home for a quick dinner, then gather stuff for choir practice for the Days of 47 Sunrise Service. While I was getting ready to leave, I had cute Dr. Mari come to me.

Mari: Please sit down.

Me: What's up?

Mari: You've got a broken arm. I need to wrap it.

Me: Are you sure (with a little bit of eye-rolling).

Mari: Yes! *silence while she takes an ace bandage to my left arm* There, you're all done. Wait!!! You have a broken leg too, let me wrap it.

Me: Ok, if you're sure... (all while trying to make plans with a cousin over the phone for our family reunion).

Mari: You'll be ok.

Me: Alright, I've got to go, now.

Mari: No!! You can't leave for practice, your arm & leg are broken!

Think she's trying to tell me something???